Hello there rock star. My name is Michelle LaVigne.
Some things about me:
I have my Master’s degree from the University of Illinois in journalism. I was a photojournalist for 10 years with the Sun-Times Media Group in the Chicago burbs.
With my background as a photojournalist I am well trained in the art of moment-capturing.
I am a writer,
a sunshine enthusiast
a bibliophile,
and a big supporter of laughing without reservations.
I am a fan of exercise,
digging in the dirt,
clever words,
deep breathing
and deep stretching,
high fives.
And I laugh.
A lot.
I love to tell stories.
Visually through my photographs
Verbally through my words
or by gesturing a lot. (not really. I’d make a horrible mime.)
I specialize in preserving moments.
That moment you walk down the aisle and you see your soon-to-be spouse,
when you give THE most ridiculously loving look to your dog,
when your kiddo makes that face that is so THEM,
when you have all your closest friends gathered for a celebration,
I see the value in these moments and I sincerely.
Want you to have that moment forever.
In an album, on your homescreen, or your phone, or printed out.